Real Estate Selling Tips for your Home in Moe.

The presentation of your home can make the difference between achieving a standard sale price and getting a premium sale price for your home. Here are a few simple, easy and inexpensive improvements to your home to assist in the sale of your home.





  • – Ensure your house is clean and tidy (remove clutter).
  • – Open curtains & windows to allow as much natural light and fresh air in.
  • – Burn lavender oil or scent candles to provide a soothing clean smell, maybe place some fresh flowers in a nice vase.
  • – Lubricate any squeaky hinges and fix any loose door handles or knobs on your doors.
  • – Reposition those rattling shelf ornaments.
  • – On inspection day cook a fresh loaf of bread, roast lamb in the oven or brew some fresh coffee to give that homely aroma in the kitchen.
  • – The two most important rooms in your home are the bathroom(s) and kitchen….make sure they sparkle.
  • – Touch up any small indents in doors or walls, it will take the purchasers eye off them.
  • – Ensure the light globes are in working order and sufficient to light the entire room….often inspections are conducted late in the day or on dull days where the natural light is limited.


  • – Make sure your exterior cladding, facias & base boards look the part.
  • – Check all fencing. Replace any palings that have fallen down and repair holes that may have been made by pets or children.
  • – Clean the gutters of any leaves or debris.
  • – Check & clean all windows and fly screens. Make sure they are in working order. Fix any cracks or holes. Replace broken or cracked panes.
  • – Edge and weed garden beds, mow the lawns and mulch gardens where necessary.
  • – Fill any pot holes that may have been dug by the family dog, these are unattractive and pose potential safety hazards for prospective purchasers.


  • – Try to be out of the house when buyers inspect as they will feel more comfortable as will you.
  • – Make sure the house is a comfortable temperature.